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About Biodynamic Health Institute

Biodynamics Health Institute was formed with the intention to help people deeply, to overcome suffering: anxiety, pain, trauma. We are here because we deeply value life and relationships. Biodynamics and Biodynamic Health are about the inner forces of life and their interaction with the world around us.

Priorities of our Institute

Training wing. Biodynamic Health Institute is the official representative of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Tension and Trauma Release in Ukraine (TRE®). We develop the standard of practice in Ukraine and focus on the graduation of highly qualified specialists.

Therapy wing. Biodynamics Clinic is a place where people can receive quality bodywork therapy from specialists who know how to be present, create safety, develop life resources, and help transform the difficult stories that hold people's bodies.

Self-regulation wing. We provide group and individual TRE® sessions so that people can learn self-help exercises to cope with traumatic experiences, tension, stress, and anxiety.

Spiritual development wing. This is a training program that will help you explore and fill your life with maximum meaning. It includes areas of bodywork, development of body awareness, awareness in relationships, Western psychotherapy, Buddhist philosophy, and meditation. The program is currently under development.


How the learning process looks like


Advantages of studying at the Biodynamic Health Institute

We are very ambitious about the quality of education. We compare ourselves with the best world schools and ask ourselves: "What can we do better?". We also have our own experience and vision of how to help our students become highly qualified professionals. Here are some of the criteria we follow:

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    A team of experienced and internationally renowned tutors who create an open learning environment that fosters exploration;

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    A holistic training program with practice and support between seminars, which makes it self-sufficient and contributes to the production of effective, successful practitioners;

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    A student-teacher ratio that fosters supportive group dynamics and responsive feedback - up to 24 students per group, accompanied by core tutors and certified assistants, 1 to 5 students;

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    We accept motivated students who are ready to complete the entire training, which forms a powerful team for growth and a comfortable atmosphere;

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    To support the learning process, the course is provided with detailed methodological materials of 60-70 pages for each seminar;

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    For better learning of the program, we provide lifetime access to video recordings of seminars (with high quality recording) and other materials;

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    There is a student clinic to build confidence in practice;

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    We award one of the best certifications in the world;

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    The training is accompanied by professional interpretation;

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    We provide flexible ways to pay for tuition;

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    There is a prospect of postgraduate training and growth, as well as paid participation as an assistant in the next courses and other projects of our Institute.

How did the formation of the Biodynamic Health Institute begin

Why do people come to study biodynamics? Because it is important for us to have the sincere presence of another person and to feel accepted. Biodynamics allows us to do this deeply at the level of the body. It is a powerful therapeutic force, and when I felt it, I realized that I could not live without it. It was with this that my journey into this world began, and the formation of our Biodynamic Health Institute followed.

Since there was no course in Ukraine that could offer me really high-quality training and certification, I started studying biodynamics abroad. I was a student and it was very expensive and difficult for me. I was able to complete my studies only because of my incredible love for this field and strong motivation. Upon completion, I was the first certified biodynamic craniosacral therapist in Ukraine.

I had no ambitions to form an Institute and at first was focused on developing my clinic in the center of Kyiv. But gradually, I was faced with the fact that specialists began to appear who called biodynamics some esoteric techniques, as well as teachers of biodynamics who were not certified and were not listed anywhere as specialists. I was worried that this could start to spread the wrong reputation about the method, and I wanted to preserve the depth and value of biodynamics as a method of bodywork. I began to feel responsible for the purity of the spread and development of biodynamics in Ukraine.

Of course, I couldn't do it on my own because I was a specialist, not a teacher. I enlisted the support of world-renowned professors whose work I considered to be the best in the world. These were Colin Perrow, Steve Haines, and Josef Steiner.

Beginnings and obstacles

During this period, the covid epidemic began, which put great restrictions on the ability of our foreign teachers to come. We were forced to postpone the start date of the first stream of training. When it was possible, we started the first in Ukraine 2-year certified training in biodynamic craniosacral therapy. We held the first seminar and our group was full. It was very exciting and joyful.

A few days before the 2nd seminar, a full-scale war broke out. It was impossible to conduct training, and most people were evacuated. During this difficult period, we were in touch with our students all the time. From the very beginning, we supported our team with small meetings via video.


Volunteer project

Gradually, our meetings turned into full-fledged volunteer assistance and training. We have organized a group of 30 students for whom we organized volunteer training:

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    First Emotional Aid

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    Core Process Psychotherapy

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    Trauma and tension Release certified training

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    Training in trauma therapy

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    and other methods of self-regulation and assistance

Despite all the pain, we created a fairly intensive training schedule for our students during the first most difficult year of the war. This also served as a reason to officially register our Institute.

A little later, we received an offer from a Kyiv hospital to help soldiers cope with pain after reanimation. For some time, our students and I went to the pain department, which also allowed us to gain valuable experience - to develop our own observations in dealing with phantom pain.

Value from our students

A year later, in February 2023, we were able to continue teaching biodynamic craniosacral therapy to our students in Ukraine. We were able to maintain almost the same composition of students, which emphasizes their value of our community and training.

We added the TRE method

We got acquainted with the Tension and Trauma Release (TRE) method in the first year of the war. We experienced for ourselves how powerful and necessary a tool of self-regulation it is. Therefore, we included it in our Institute as a separate method and training program for specialists. Thus, biodynamics forms the wing of the Institute dedicated to deep therapy, and the TRE method is the second wing dedicated to teaching people effective self-help.

The founder of the Institute

Maksym Usoltsev

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