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Biodynamic craniosacral therapy in Kyiv

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) or Biodynamic is a powerful bodywork therapy that works with the whole person. We use touch, body awareness and education to help people regain their health. Biodynamics is shaped by three core concepts that enable us to treat a wide range of issues, from acute pain to existential fear to long-term problems related to anxiety or depression:

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    There is an intelligence that manifests itself throughout the body - the innate drive for self-organization and self-regulation within our physiology is very powerful;

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    Health is expressed as coherence, connection, and pulsating flow - the whole body expands and contracts in tidal movements that we use to accurately diagnose and treat;

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    We are social beings, and touch in the context of relationships is a powerful stimulus for change. The art of safe touch reconnects people with their bodies, which is the basis for healing traumatic experiences and pain.

Book a craniosacral therapy session

Address of Biodynamics Clinic

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  • Ukraine, Kyiv, 23 Yevhenia Chykalenko Street

    How to find us?

The cost of craniosacral therapy

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  • From 900 UAH to 2500 UAH depending on the therapist. Use the online booking to see prices, as well as check and book your free time now. What are the cancellation policies?
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  • The number of sessions and rhythm depend on each person's individual history of trauma, pain, and stress. The most common rhythm is one session per week. The first meeting and touching the body will give a lot of information about this.

The team of therapists


Why biodynamic craniosacral therapy?

Biodynamics deeply appreciates that a person's entire story is embedded in their physiology: pre- and perinatal experiences, adverse childhood events, lifelong trauma, adverse relationships, stress, and oppressive and unequal power structures in society. We use the term "patterns of experience" to describe how the body centers and responds to the conditions of life events. Many of our reactions in response, including symptoms of pain and anxiety, are deep reflexes embedded in our bodily minds based on previously successful defense strategies.

A person may come to an appointment with pain and tension, but behind this symptom may lie a number of different experiences in their life: birth torsion, nervous system patterns associated with fright, the pain of loss, a sacral injury, and more. When someone interferes too much or tries to impose changes by force from the outside, there is a risk that you will have to pick up the pieces of all that anxiety and fear associated with this experience.

The biodynamic approach means that we don't just focus on the symptoms. We focus on the whole person with the story in their physiology and the natural wisdom of the body. When we encounter a person's difficult history, we work hard to create safety and develop life resources. Instead of forcing, we allow real change to happen in its own time. Biodynamics is a safe, consistent, effective, and holistic therapy that treats a wide range of problems at a deep level.


What craniosacral therapy works with

  • Pain therapy: treatment of acute, chronic and psychosomatic pain, painful reactions to stress or physical activity, migraines, joint pain, back pain, shoulder pain, etc.

  • Therapy of psychosomatic and neurotic conditions: anxiety, panic attacks, apathy, depression, sleep disorders, digestion, difficulty breathing, heart pressure, neurosis, psychosis.

  • Increasing vital potential: that has been lost due to exhaustion as a result of injuries, stress, illness, or antibiotics.

  • Therapy of musculoskeletal problems: hernias, osteochondrosis, joint dysfunction, consequences of physical injuries and fractures, both recent and many years ago, whiplash, lower back problems, arthritis.

  • Treatment and relief of diseases: digestive, respiratory system, thyroid gland, heart and other organs, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, chronic inflammatory processes, Bechterev's disease, oncology, etc.

  • Recovery and support: support during pregnancy, postpartum recovery and work with infants' birth patterns; support before surgery and work with the consequences of surgery, anesthesia and other medical procedures; recovery from covid disease.

  • Traumatic experience therapy: severe events that violated the sense of security, such as physical or sexual violence, occupation, rocket attacks, medical interventions, participation in hostilities; periods of life accompanied by prolonged stress or lack of security in relationships; life-threatening physical injury or emotional distress.

  • Psychosomatic awareness: developing an understanding of one's body and the patterns of experience that physiology holds; developing deep body awareness and stress resistance; learning skills to cope with stress and difficult circumstances in a healthier way.

  • Awareness in relationships: developing a sense of connection to one's center and bringing awareness to one's own reactivity; developing self-expression, openness, and safety in relationships; developing the quality of presence with others, acceptance, and loving kindness.


Therapy of traumatic experience

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is well suited to support the safe, internal processing of traumatic experiences. This includes "severe trauma" from single, highly traumatizing events, or the slow accumulation of stress and tension from many experiences.

During overwhelming and traumatic experiences, our control mechanisms (nervous, hormonal, and immune) put us into protective states of activation (fight or flight) or dissociation (freeze). Biodynamics successfully works with states of activation and dissociation as the root cause of anxiety, panic attacks, apathy, depression, and chronic pain.

In the process of therapy, we promote safety, maintain a comfortable pace, and dose the overwhelming experience as it is released from the body. We support people in developing resilience as they encounter intense feelings, sensations, memories, and behaviors. The therapist will maintain your contact with the sensations in your body and encourage self-regulation to safely release protective reflexes.


Therapy of anxiety and panic attacks

Stress, exhaustion, adverse experiences, and trauma can cause anxiety disorders. The body's defensive reactions with associated catastrophic thoughts are mistakenly produced to the slightest stimuli, which makes people feel tense and afraid. In other words, your brain can become too good at anticipating danger by using your worst memories as a template.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is an ideal method for treating anxiety and panic attacks. We create a safe space, unload the nervous system and restart the primitive parts of the brain so that they work from the present moment, not from past experiences. We teach you how to relate to your feelings in a new way, how to regulate yourself, cultivate a sense of ease and comfort inside the body, as well as a gap between reactions, emotions, thoughts, and memories.


Pain therapy

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy works with acute and chronic pain, psychosomatics, and musculoskeletal problems. Biodynamics views pain as a protective feeling that occurs when the brain perceives danger. People in pain are unaware of the background tone of body sensations (interoception), and at the same time are hypersensitive to potentially threatening sensory signals.

For example, people with low back pain are overly sensitive to sensory cues that potentially signal "low back danger" and falsely demand that they take action to protect their spine. In Biodynamics sessions, we remove people's fear of movement and anxiety about pain. Through touch in the context of relationships, we restore awareness of body sensations, heal old traumas, and retrain the body to not overreact to triggers.


Prevention of stress and diseases

Biodynamics sessions support the prevention of a huge range of diseases. The best evidence for prevention is related to stress and high cortisol levels. We know that stress is associated with almost all diseases: heart disease, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, respiratory problems, immune disorders, chronic inflammation, and joint problems.

Our sessions promote a full and comfortable perception of your body, muscle relaxation, breathing release, and blood flow - these are very important things to get out of stressful patterns. Some people come to us for a session once a week, twice a month, or when there are a lot of difficulties, just to maintain their balance and health.


Ralational touch

In Biodynamics, we use empathic touch as a way to communicate and listen to another person. We bring a quality of presence, acceptance and spaciousness to the relationship. Biodynamics values relationships because the safe presence of another person is healing, especially when our pain is related to other people or their absence at the right time. We know how to be present with a person and listen intelligently without imposing our own life story, thoughts, decisions, or ideas about what is happening.

Being heard naturally alleviates our suffering and leads to healing. This process can be so profound that you experience physical sensations and changes, as well as emotional manifestations. The space between you and the experience opens up, and with that comes acceptance and safe living of the feelings. Someone has recognized you. This is the deepest form of communication between living beings. A direct connection with your essence. This connection holds great promise for transforming even the most painful stories and beliefs.


The art of therapeutic touch

Biodynamic touch is a powerful stimulus for the vagus nerve activity, which produces a shift in human physiology to the parasympathetic state of the autonomic nervous system. In this safe state, protective reflexes and compensatory tensions calm down. The heart rate and respiratory rate slow down, calming, relaxation, pain relief, and strengthening of the immune system occur. Since everything in the body is interdependent, by calming the nervous system, we also change the musculoskeletal system and so on.

With our skillful hands, we are able to perceive the whole rhythmic quality of coherence, as the whole body expands and contracts with tidal movements. The pace, strength, and presence of different tides in the body give us a wealth of information about a person. We diagnose localized tension and compression in tissues, stagnation in fluids, activation of nerve plexuses, and exhaustion. When we place our hands on areas that are disconnected, tense, or painful, it reminds the tissues that they can release tension and move freely and vigorously. The entire nervous system is engaged to restore healing processes that may have been frozen or overloaded due to stress or trauma.

Millions of years of evolution are hidden behind the contours, shapes and movements of the body. There are many coordinated self-regulatory processes that respond to events and maintain internal balance and flow. This intelligence determines the chemistry, neural activity, and rebuilding in the body. The creative forces from within are far more powerful than any blind force we can apply from the outside. We listen to and support the body's inner desire to move from fragmentation to health - natural reorganization. With the right approach and sufficient resources, body intelligence determines the best rhythm and sequence of therapeutic work.


Body awareness

Biodynamics is also a process of learning to feel your body, with the therapist as a somatic guide. Touch in the context of a relationship facilitates the emergence of new safe sensations and feelings, which is important for the treatment of anxiety, pain and trauma. We generate concepts that promote health, joy, connection and lightness. By curiously exploring sensations in the body, we develop awareness and freedom of choice in habitual reactions and deep imprints of traumatic experience.

We promote body awareness because most of the defining experiences are non-verbal and unconsciously encoded in our bodies. This does not require telling painful stories to understand them. We work with the story that the body holds, and when the patterns of experience are unraveled, new meanings and insights emerge on their own, which affects our choices and behavior.


FAQs about biodynamic craniosacral therapy


    First, we will meet and talk for 5-10 minutes. We are always happy to learn not only about your symptoms, but also about you, so that we can understand how to effectively help you reconnect with your life resources. The therapist will also ask questions about your body sensations. The way you interact with your body gives us a lot of information. At the same time, we will not ask you for stories that are difficult for you to tell now or specifically look for traumas in the past.
    • The therapist will invite you to lie down on the couch. You will remain in your clothes. It is important for us that you feel comfortable. The therapist will help you to be aware of your body, to feel more safe and present. At the same time, we use our main therapeutic tool - a gentle touch with the entire surface of the palm of the hand in a safe relationship. The first touch will most likely be on the feet, shoulders or under the back. This will be a touch that is agreed upon with you.
    • If you have a history of unsafe touch in your life, we will take extra care to make sure that we establish safe contact so that it does not trigger unpleasant associations or memories.
    • For the first 10-15 minutes, we can stay in contact with one area, for example, the legs. From the outside, it looks like the therapist is just sitting still and holding his or her hands. At this point, we do two things. First, we help your nervous system to calm down deeply. We wrote above that touch in a relationship is a powerful stimulus for the nervous system. Second, we listen to the movement, which gives us a lot of diagnostic information.
    • Then we move our hands to the place in the body where the treatment will be prioritized. These are places in the body with restrictions, old trauma, nervous system activation, etc. We can work on 1 to 3 such places per session.
    • The therapist maintains the quality of presence with you at all times and maintains verbal contact. We periodically ask you what you are feeling and how it is for you. If there are emotional manifestations, we help you to live them properly without suppressing or overwhelming them.

    For some symptoms and requests, short-term therapy is enough to recover from stress, tension, and acute pain in 1-3 sessions, or 3-6 sessions to get rid of panic attacks. However, this number may vary for different people with different histories of trauma, pain, and stress.
    • For example, two people have the same low back pain due to an old sacral injury, but one person has a lot of support and a good social situation, and the other has prolonged periods of stress and anxiety or their injury occurred against a background of difficult feelings. Most likely, there will be a different number of sessions. For the first person, 1-3 sessions may be enough to treat the sacrum and lower back. For the second person, we may need to work on anxiety, stress, and exhaustion in parallel to provide the sense of safety and resources that are important for change - this may take 4-6 sessions.
    • The availability of safety and resources determines the speed of therapy. The more our physiology holds on to experiences and traumas where we were unsafe, the less resources are available for change. Therefore, issues such as anxiety disorder, depression, chronic pain, traumatic experiences, and dissociation always require long-term and regular therapy. This can take months, a year, and sometimes longer. However, even here, you will see results from the first sessions, and this will bring curiosity and pleasant anticipation to the process.
    • This is especially true for developmental trauma, when as a child a person was made to feel unsafe around family members, or other trauma related to insecurity in relationships. It will take time to help you feel completely safe in the therapeutic relationship and to bring this outside of it. The fastest way to heal trauma is to move slowly. It is difficult to treat chronic pain or anxiety if a person does not feel safe and if they have difficulty feeling their body. Therefore, restoring safety in relationships and developing body awareness are important steps in therapy that take time.

    In 95% of cases, people feel more comfortable and relaxed in their bodies immediately after Biodynamics sessions. In rare cases, the sensations in the body may be more intense after the sessions. Your body needs to integrate the changes. Therefore, floating sensations and discomfort in the body are normal for the first 48 hours after the session. This may also be due to the therapy of traumatic experiences and the fact that you are beginning to feel your body more.
    • If you feel worse more than 48 hours later and the intensity of the sensations is 6 or more out of 10, it is likely that too much was done too quickly in the last session, or old traumatic experiences have resurfaced. Talk to your therapist about this to feel supported, get additional guidance, and arrange an earlier next therapy appointment.
    • It is absolutely normal to experience more intense sensations for the first 36 hours after the session and to gradually decrease the intensity of the sensations to 6 or less points out of 10.
фото навчання BCST

Become a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist - if you feel called to become a BCST, then we invite you to explore our International Training Program with world-renowned faculty. The training combines the classical roots of the therapy, knowledge of neurobiology and modern research on trauma and pain.

About BCST training

Patient feedback on craniosacral therapy

If you have any questions, please write or call us: +380 96 544 75 58