About therapy
I started my journey as a yoga teacher. As I had been interested in yoga and meditation since the age of 13, I started my first classes at the age of 18 (from 2009). Next came the study of osteopathy, movement therapy, psychotherapy and even hypnotherapy, but these quickly faded into the background when I was struck by the depth and sensitivity of touch in biodynamics.
I had a chronic pattern, pain with tension and depression, due to the stresses I had experienced as a child. And biodynamics was like a breath of fresh air amidst all the methods, as if it was the only thing I was capable of helping at the time. I experienced a safety and calmness that can only be felt in utero. The touch is very gentle but touches the whole of you, allowing the deep stories that have been fixed in us to be resolved. I felt it was a wonderful way to help people.
Exploring biodynamics
- I have been fortunate to study with teachers who were involved in the development of biodynamic craniosacral therapy: Kathryn Ukleja and Colin Perrow. I was also fortunate to study with renowned teachers who have made great contributions to the development of biodynamics: Steve Haines, Josef Steiner, Michael Kern. At the end of the training I was the first certified specialist in Ukraine. And after that I wanted to organise a Biodynamic Clinic and a certified training course.

What courses does he teach
Biodynamics Course Instructor
Course instructor for TRE® providers
Author of the Yoga Adaptation Programme
Course instructor for Self-Regulation and Trauma Release courses for all
My primary education:
International Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) training in IABT - International Association of Biodynamic Training;
International training in Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) - TRE for ALL and TRE College;
Speciality Orthopedagogy and Rehabilitation at the Institute of Correctional Psychology and Pedagogy at the N.P.Dragomanov National University of Ukraine;
Speciality Organisational Psychology and Personnel Management at Vadim Hetman KNEU;
Belarusian State University, Faculty of Sociocultural Communications, "Ericksonian Therapy and Clinical Hypnosis";
I am studying at the Longchen Rabjam Buddhist Shedra organised by Ganteng Tulku Rinpoche.