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Colin Perrow

Colin is a renowned international teacher of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Colin was one of the teachers who developed Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. His teaching is based on 30 years of experience running a successful private practice in South Wales in the United Kingdom.

About Zen practice and teaching approach

Colin has studied with three Zen masters. Thich Nhat Hanh was one of his closest teachers. Through his 40 years of Zen and mindfulness practice, he has brought clarity and humour to his work. Colin believes that in order to recover, we need to pay attention to all aspects of our nature and life. Colin is particularly interested in teaching people to be aware of their own experiences and creating a learning environment that supports this.

About the path

Colin used to be a farmer but at the age of 20 he had an accident and sustained a broken spine. Doctors told him he would not be able to walk. Colin went to cranial therapy twice a week and it helped him recover. After this experience, he realised that he wanted to be like these therapists. Colin enrolled in craniosacral therapy training at the Karuna Institute. Where he became part of the teaching team and worked with Franklin Sills, Catherine Uckley and Claire Dolby to develop the biodynamic approach.

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Role at the Biodynamics Institute

Colin has been instrumental in the development of Biodynamics in Ukraine. We have received a lot of support and mentorship since 2019, which helped us to establish the Biodynamic Health Institute. From the beginning of 2023, Colin Perrow is coming to Ukraine to teach our students the biodynamic approach.


What courses does he teach